Testing. Collaboration. Action.
Objective #1 was to implement a water quality monitoring program to address a primary area of concern: the stormwater pipe outfalls that empty into the Shark River inlet/estuary, a possible source of contamination. The first phase of this monitoring program took place over 2021-2022. The test parameter was the presence of fecal indicator bacteria in the water, using analysis equipment loaned from the US EPA as part of a grant program, and operated by trained and qualified volunteer community scientists. We identified several key water testing sites, focused sampling at pipe outfalls, that have been identified based on past analysis.
Quality Assurance Project Plan
We created a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) - a detailed plan to generate clear and quantifiable data by following consistent and scientifically valid process. The QAPP was reviewed by experts at US EPA and NJ DEP.
Testing sites were selected based on historical sampling data by the NJ DEP Bureau of Marine Water Monitoring.
Sampling Process
Samples collected directly into sterile bottles using a dip pole.
Sampling at low tide to help isolate direct effluent water from the stormwater pipe.
Data recorded: temperature, smell, appearance.
Cleaning steps to prevent cross contamination.
Samples put on ice during transport to prevent bacteria growth before analysis.
Analysis 2021-2022
Water samples diluted and mixed with a reagent
Placed into trays that are sealed shut.
Trays incubated for 24 hrs, so bacteria will grow
Trays viewed under blacklight to see presence of bacteria; Wells counted and results derived from a probability table
Blank sample and control sample quality checks